
We are small in number and big on love. We are Mill Creek A.M.E. Church, located in the southeast region of Columbia, S.C. in lower Richland County.

Thank you for visiting us online. Be our guest on Zoom every Sunday morning at 10:30. We look forward to you joining us, post-pandemic, at 725 Longwood Road.


Our Story

Mill Creek A.M.E. Church has existed since 1886 and its original name was The Lykesland Community of Lower Richland.  The church was renamed in 1923 after it was relocated and rebuilt  between the old 76 Highway and the Atlantic Railroad.

Mill Creek has been at its current location since 1927, on land that Epworth Orphanage donated to the church. 

Several pastors have served at Mill Creek over the years and its longest-serving pastor,  the late Rev. Willie L. Tucker, led the congregation from 1958-1990.

Ministry continues under its current pastor, the Rev. Dion Richmond.

What We Believe

We believe in God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ our Redeemer and resurrected Savior, the Holy Spirit, the Church universal, the forgiveness of sins, the communion of saints and eternal life.

The basic foundations of our beliefs are found in the Apostle’s Creed and the Twenty Five Articles of Religion. Visit the African Methodist Episcopal Church’s website to learn more about the A.M.E. denomination.

Our Mission

Our mission is to Love God, Serve Others, and Make Disciples.


Support The Creek!

Cash App

Share your offering via Cash App using our cash tag $MillCreekAME.


Mail a check made payable to Mill Creek A.M.E. to P.O. Box 9001, Columbia, SC 29290.


Download the Givelify app, search for Mill Creek A.M.E. Church and donate.

We follow the biblical basis for giving: tithing. This act of worship is an expression of our obedience and faithfulness to God. We pay the tithe and give an offering.

Your financial support of our ministry allows us to do outreach ministry, church improvements and meet financial obligations.